The Initiatives
First class graduates

In Our Streets is the organization of pedestrians in Israel, promoting safer and more convenient infrastructures for pedestrians, enhancing walkability, enforcing sidewalk offenses, and working to expand and make accessible the rights and walkability of pedestrians in Israel. The organization operates active cells in cities across Israel, working with local authorities, the Knesset, the government, and courts, and believes that our streets should be designed primarily for the walkability of pedestrians.
"Our project started from a tiny seed, just another group whose only skill was to shout. After a year in the program, it happened—we have budgets, activity coordinators, and organized campaigns focused on improving walkability."
Yossi Saidov, the CEO of the organization

The textile industry is one of the most polluting industries in the world. It generates extensive pollution at every stage of production. Dress Well loves fashion and believes in consuming ethical and sustainable fashion without compromising on exquisite taste and style. Dress Well operates across various channels: leading an active and vibrant community, developing and making accessible information, and providing services in the field of sustainable fashion, including alternative consumption events.
"Tzamarot helped us turn our ideas into a business plan and generate profits for the benefit of Dress Well. In addition, it was a support system - a very strong group of equals."
Meital Peleg Mizrachi, the organization's founder

Meirim is a group of professionals and social activists from the fields of planning, construction, environment, and technology who work tirelessly and voluntarily to make information accessible and to increase transparency and public involvement in the planning and construction system - one of the most influential systems on civilian life in Israel. Meirim strives to transform the planning system into one that reflects the proper balance between narrow interests and broad interests, the interests of us all. On the organization's website, you can see in just a few seconds what is planned near your home and respond before it's too late.

Al-Baylasan Association was established with the goal of creating and accompanying a network of active and committed communities to environmental issues, with an emphasis on Arab settlements, to lead environmental and social change in the settlement and region. The association empowers communities around socio-environmental issues with the help of connecting all stakeholders: authorities, government offices, civil society organizations, and the community.

Food Rescuers organization, based in Jerusalem's wholesale market, aims to enhance nutritional resilience and reduce food waste through building support networks and fostering community involvement. Their efforts focus on promoting mindful consumption and environmental awareness, alongside practical activities like food salvage, distribution in Jerusalem, educational programs, sustainable catering from surplus produce, and workshops on food waste and fermentation. They advocate that food can drive and unite community and environmental change.
"In the Tzamarot program, we received tools for organizational management, and thanks to that, we managed to rescue more food – before the program we rescued 800 kg per week, and by the end of the first year, we reached 1.4 tons per week."
Itai, a co-CEO of the organization

Delphis was established by researchers, environmental activists, and volunteers for the sake of marine mammals in Israel. Delphis aims to pave the way for the next generation of marine mammal researchers, conservation biologists, and policymakers, and to highlight the importance of promoting legislation for marine mammals, whose condition is an indicator of the health of the marine environment.
"The program introduced systematics, vision, objectives, and a work plan to activities that were previously more unstructured."
Aviad Sheinin, the CEO of the organization
Second class graduates

Physicians for Nutrition Association (PAN) aimed at promoting public health and the environment. They are a group of professionals from the fields of nutrition and medicine who strive to make research-based professional knowledge accessible on healthy nutrition for the prevention of chronic diseases, with an emphasis on plant-based dietary patterns. The organization's activities include a variety of actions: dissemination of professional knowledge through various channels, a multidisciplinary professional community, peer learning through online meetings (webinars, journal clubs), courses for doctors, and lectures for students in academia.
"Participating in the Tzamarot program allowed us a learning and consulting process with professionals who helped us improve many components of the association's activities and develop action and funding channels we did not have before."
Roni, the CEO of the association

Endemi works on the rehabilitation of ecological systems and the restoration of biological diversity through cooperation with the local community. The resilience of the ecological system that sustains us depends on the interactions and mutual actions between the variety of local species that are gradually disappearing. They place a strong emphasis on the foundation of red-listed species, endemic species, and species at risk of extinction.
"The Tzamarot program helped us to formulate a clear activity model with which we can continue forward and replicate it."
Ben, the CEO of the association

Safe Crossings for Wild Animals is an association working to promote connectivity of habitats and reduce the roadkill of wild animals in Israel. The current rate of roadkill stands at about 2,000 individuals per year (reported cases only). The association's activities focus on two main areas: public and educational. In the public sphere, they work to create collaborations between resident communities and regional councils with the aim of initiating local projects to promote crossings, technological solutions, and traffic enforcement. In the educational sphere, they work to promote awareness, knowledge sharing, and motivation for action.
"The program supported us at a very significant stage in our growth, we received excellent advice and a supportive environment, which was an incredible springboard to the next level, and we are grateful for the opportunity we were given."
Daniel, the founder of the organization

Planting trees in urban areas fights climate change, improves air quality, and enhances city life, yet Israel's cities face a deficit in street trees, with over 100,000 trees annually lost to construction. The 'Streets of Trees' organization, founded three years ago, works to bring forests back to urban areas and foster a culture of tree preservation. With 2,800 members in 25 groups nationwide, it collaborates with local authorities and the Ministry of Agriculture to protect urban trees.
"In Tzamarot program we received tools and a deep understanding of various topics - from management and planning, through working with volunteers and resource mobilization, to meeting our needs in the field of marketing."
Moran, the founder of the association

Future Holders was established with the goal of increasing women's involvement in the Planet Tech sector. They believe that women can make a significant contribution to the sustainability of the Earth through green and safe technology. They offer a curriculum for Arab and Jewish female students, focusing on empowerment, artificial intelligence, and climate challenges. The students develop technological solutions, participate in field experiments, and in practicums at high-tech companies, mentored by senior women.
"The Tzamarot program gave us a broad view of Israel's environmental ecosystem in addition to providing us with a variety of tools for developing the organization, such as models for work programs, mapping partnerships, organizational development, and more."
Itai, the CEO of the organization

Creative Change is the marketing and advertising agency of the environment in Israel. Art has always been a force for changing reality. Creative Change believes that in this era, it should be harnessed for environmental activism, through social networks that allow reaching many people quickly. Creative Change created a platform for artists aimed at raising awareness about environmental quality through video content and art. They have produced hundreds of viral films that have sparked interest and involvement. Among the organization's clients are government offices and business entities.
"Tzamarot program helped us to ground our vision, build an action plan, deepen in change theory and expand our action practice, to understand more who we are, what we are, and where we are headed."
Luce, a manager in the association
Third class graduates

Citizens for Clean Air fights air pollution caused by illegal waste burning, a major pollutant in Israel. Materials like household waste, tires, and electronics release harmful toxins when burned, affecting millions.
Achievements include getting the Ministry of Environmental Protection to recognize waste burning as a key pollutant, forming a special unit to prevent fires, enforcing a waste-burning ban, and launching volunteer environmental enforcement units within the Israel Police.

Currently, 80% of household waste in Israel is sent to landfills, while about 40% of that weight consists of organic waste, which can be returned to the soil through simple, natural, and cost-effective methods—transforming it into a resource with numerous environmental and social benefits: compost. The Israeli Compost Association is an organization of compost coordinators from across the country who believe in a holistic solution to turning organic waste into a resource. Based on the extensive knowledge and experience we have gained from supporting home and community composting projects in many municipalities, we offer an alternative program for managing household organic waste in municipalities nationwide.

"Traveling in the Country" is a video channel featuring outdoor adventures and everything that interests us along the way. It started with videos about hiking trails or various attractions—short, fun, and informative clips. It has expanded to include environmental awareness videos, extreme sports, international travels, foraging and cooking, and cultural exchanges. They promote cleanliness in nature and environmental awareness by collecting trash left behind by careless individuals, hoping that this message will resonate, leading us to a culture where such actions are no longer necessary.

The Home Front is a social initiative established to furnish the homes of families affected by the war, providing them with a sense of home wherever they are. They utilize second-hand furniture or refurbish items themselves, having furnished and designed homes for over 1,500 families to date. The design process is carried out with style, and more than 800 interior designers have volunteered with the organization. They operate a 1,500-square-meter hangar at the Karmi Farm in Ein Hahoresh, transforming it into a magical, large, and free store for the residents of the surrounding areas.

Saving the Jerusalem Mountains: The "Saving the Jerusalem Mountains" movement aims to protect natural areas surrounding Jerusalem, balancing urban development with the preservation of these lands, recognizing that our quality of life depends on these life-supporting ecosystems. The movement has successfully prevented several destructive plans and is advocating for permanent protection of the Jerusalem Mountains.

RegenIL leads the shift to regenerative agriculture in Israel, addressing the damage caused by modern farming practices. By connecting farmers, researchers, and government officials, the center promotes sustainable farming practices that help combat climate change and restore soil health. They provide guidance, simplify information, and offer practical tools for a smooth transition to regenerative agriculture.